Thursday, July 7, 2011



Despite my last depressing post (that is now deleted) I'd like to update you that i'm happy again. Me and J.P. talked everything out. Nothing has changed but I realized how great he is and how I don't want things to be messed up..

I bought tickets to The Little Mermaid at Tuacahn a couple weeks ago, thinking it would be a great date to take J.P. On.

The day started off not as planned, he called saying his car was broken. I then drove up to his house and picked him him, which wasn't bad at all,

We went to dinner, talked , laughed

Went to Little Mermaid, It was AAMMMAZING ! I only saw a little more then half of the play because in the middle of a number it began to rain, and that turned into a downpour. They called off the show for 30 minutes, we waited to see if it would stop and we ended up leaving early.

Here I was leaving what I had been waiting for , for weeks now. But I knew that I wasn't excited about Little Mermaid, I wanted to spend time with J.P. No matter where we were.

We headed home, popped in a movie and made Dr.Pepper floats and just talked. It was wonderful.

We are still just dating, which.. now that I see the reasoning behind it. It makes sense. He is in Love with him , and I him, what more is there to ask.

Life is okay.

Its not perfect yet, but perfect would be boring. I'm fine with okay.

I'm in Love.

I would still like to go on dates with other guys, there is one in perticular I want to go on a date with, I just dont want to seem like a player.. but I'm not with anyone, Im single and enjoying life

Thanks for reading my rants, i'll come up with something worthy of blogging eventually

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