Friday, July 29, 2011


The still pictures that I see everyday blind me in seconds,

click click click click

Cameras in my head threaten to overheat, click click

Laughing at lost jokes, trying to find them in the air.

I'm falling. I'm loving this.

Hidden messages in songs, undertones of something beautiful.

How I Became The Sea by Owl City

A love song,

A song about shedding the unnecesary things in life,

finding your soulmate and putting everything at risk,
tearing down all your walls, so its just you and them.

Submerged in the music, feeling the notes surround.

Swept up in the melody, craving for it to fill me up.

I breath out the poison and breath in light.

I'm whole again.

I cry because I crave this feeling always

To be happy.

Constant grief and sadness is all I tend to lean towards.

I want to be happy. To feel like I belong.

Why is it only here that I feel the most connected.

Uptight, wound and bound.

Released from my prison,

Shattered glass mends.

Here things make sense,

Lost things found in darkness,

Surviving on this feeling


I break the surface, breathing in the air.

I remember.

I'm sad.

I'm alone.

I'm confused.

Lifting higher out of the water,

Hating the surface.

Looking down at the shimmering water of the well,

Dare I jump in from this distance..

I climb to the edge and sit, remembering the touch

Remember the taste.

For now all I can do is look.






Lose myself in the screams

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. :) Very well written Nick.

    PS. Isn't it odd how afraid we are of letting ourselves have those things we want? How we crave to let down our walls and ego and really be with someone, but won't let ourselves do it? How we fantasize about losing control and letting ourselves be happy?

    Which is screaming loudest--the head or the heart?

