Tuesday, June 21, 2011


My life in the past couple of weeks has been in a word.... uneventful.

The guy i've been seeing has been sorta busy, I miss him like crazy! In a week or so i'll be able to see him, i've been busy with work and its hard to find time to plan something with him. I hope it lets up soon because I am craving him, everything about him, his lips, his touch, his voice, his laugh. His giant sweeping eyelashes, his big brown eyes, it takes my breath away thinking about him.

On my old blog everytime I would talk about a guy on here it would quickly turn sour, so i'm not going into much detail. Wouldn't want to jinx it. Its safe to say that i'm falling in love with him, and its nice to feel that way.

The past couple months have been HELL due to one crazy guy in perticular, I don't even want to spend time talking about him. He is crazy, and not well and I dont want to waste energy on him, hes not worth it. I just wish he was out of my life for good, knowing that as long as my roomate Kyle is living here, the connection is there, weak but still there..  

I've been missing my old friends lately, My old roomie who moved out.. My friend that moved to Logan, Cedar and other places around the world that prevents me from seeing them every day....


Alright to be honest I left yesterday and lost the train of thought for that blog, but i'm going to do my best to finish..

Cravings.. I want and need to see him again, every time I think about him I realize how special he is to me.  We were talking on the phone and he said it was so hard to be away, not being able to see me.. This sounds selfish, but i really hope he hasnt met anyone else.

I just find it so frustrating, our situation. He doesn't want to be official and I get that, I know i'm not 100 percent what he wants, but he makes me so happy. I know I should just take it one day at a time, its just hard to not fall deeper in Love with him.. He is Perfect... I miss him

pointless blog post.. I think so


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