Monday, November 14, 2011

All Good Things Must Come To An End

People get sad when someone dies.

Some cry when a band breaks up,

A book series ending could be the end of the world to some.

A TV series,

A last embrace of a soldier before he's sent off,

Everything we know, cherish, and hope for comes to an end.

It is up to each and every one of us what we decide to do with the ending we are given.

Things didn't work out with JP,

I was always waiting, always wondering, hoping , wishing, looking up at the stars wishing he was there with me, kissing me, holding me.

I only got to see him once a month, if that. I don't want to tarnish is name at all, I truly care about him. But if he really wanted me, I mean as much as I wanted him. He would have made time for me, he would have proved to me that I was what he wanted.

We broke up before, that was very difficult, I was always wondering what would be happening to him, who he'd be with, how he was.

I finally gave in, wanting him back, needing him back. After our last talk a couple nights ago, i'm finally okay with letting him go.

   I can't help but wonder what it would be like for us in the future, but all I know is that when we got back together, he didn't change for long. Always an arms length away.. I was tired of living a Half Life, which reminds me of( Half Life by Imogen Heap) look it up before continuing.

     I took the end of the page to our story, feeling it crushing down on me, screaming at me to dwell on it, to linger on the last page and cry for all the time wasted or lost. I sat in my room and thought about all the lost things, all the darkness and emptiness that would follow, just when I thought it would consume me..

I turned the page.

Many people in life get to, what they think is the end of their story,
whether it be a death of a loved one,
Or a leap of faith into a lake,

Just when you think life is done with you when the darkness of the letter THE END are glaring at you, turn the page.

You'll find stories you never knew you had,

ones you could never even imagine.

  Life is about taking chances, meeting people, laughing, making people laugh, hugging, kissing, mini-golfing, jumping from high places into a lake, midnight walks, late-night talks, morning coffee, frozen nitrogen yogurt (yeah..its real) . Live life every single day, be yourself, say things that are on your mind you wouldn't, have no regrets,

AND NEVER EVER Let the words THE END, Ever stop you from turning the page.

"Everything will be okay in the end, if its not okay... It's not the end"

1 comment:

  1. "But if he really wanted me, I mean as much as I wanted him. He would have made time for me, he would have proved to me that I was what he wanted."

    It takes such a toll on you when your mind and your body are telling you two different things: I love him, but I'm not being loved back...

    Eventually you realize that you deserve to be loved back, and be loved back the way you need to be. You deserve at least 50% of the effort. You deserve not to wait and wonder. It's a horrible experience. :( *Hug*

    You know where to find me if you need a friend bud.
