Monday, November 14, 2011

All Good Things Must Come To An End

People get sad when someone dies.

Some cry when a band breaks up,

A book series ending could be the end of the world to some.

A TV series,

A last embrace of a soldier before he's sent off,

Everything we know, cherish, and hope for comes to an end.

It is up to each and every one of us what we decide to do with the ending we are given.

Things didn't work out with JP,

I was always waiting, always wondering, hoping , wishing, looking up at the stars wishing he was there with me, kissing me, holding me.

I only got to see him once a month, if that. I don't want to tarnish is name at all, I truly care about him. But if he really wanted me, I mean as much as I wanted him. He would have made time for me, he would have proved to me that I was what he wanted.

We broke up before, that was very difficult, I was always wondering what would be happening to him, who he'd be with, how he was.

I finally gave in, wanting him back, needing him back. After our last talk a couple nights ago, i'm finally okay with letting him go.

   I can't help but wonder what it would be like for us in the future, but all I know is that when we got back together, he didn't change for long. Always an arms length away.. I was tired of living a Half Life, which reminds me of( Half Life by Imogen Heap) look it up before continuing.

     I took the end of the page to our story, feeling it crushing down on me, screaming at me to dwell on it, to linger on the last page and cry for all the time wasted or lost. I sat in my room and thought about all the lost things, all the darkness and emptiness that would follow, just when I thought it would consume me..

I turned the page.

Many people in life get to, what they think is the end of their story,
whether it be a death of a loved one,
Or a leap of faith into a lake,

Just when you think life is done with you when the darkness of the letter THE END are glaring at you, turn the page.

You'll find stories you never knew you had,

ones you could never even imagine.

  Life is about taking chances, meeting people, laughing, making people laugh, hugging, kissing, mini-golfing, jumping from high places into a lake, midnight walks, late-night talks, morning coffee, frozen nitrogen yogurt (yeah..its real) . Live life every single day, be yourself, say things that are on your mind you wouldn't, have no regrets,

AND NEVER EVER Let the words THE END, Ever stop you from turning the page.

"Everything will be okay in the end, if its not okay... It's not the end"

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trying To Fix It

Everything seems out of my control,

Life swirls around me and I hold my breath, wait for the spinning to stop. For a moment hoping that I can get away from everything.


People that I see, so many personal recordings in my head. A friend of mine told me tonight, that everytime he sees certain people, he thinks of a song.

Everyone has their own form of remembering people, a smell, a feeling, a song. Something that gets bound to that person.

I hear voices, memories, thoughts, laughter ideas, when I see someone I know I have a freeze-framed image, time and place of that person. It plays like a movie in my head, so fast you probably wouldn't be able to see. I wonder if that's normal.

What is normal? I've never seemed to make the cut, never strong enough, manly enough, feminine enough, talkative, too quiet, too shy, to brave, to flamboyant, not Gay enough.

Ever since I can remember, i've never fit in. I tried.

It seems that my way of thinking is far too different,

I'm always thinking, my mind is a fast-spinning machine.

Does he like me? Am I doing a good job? Why is that this way? Why does it happen like that? How long have they been together? Does she know how pretty she is? That shirt doesn't match, wonder if she knows.

There is always something is shooting around, but if you ask me what's on my mind, i'll draw a blank. Suddenly things go quiet, when it's time to redeem myself, from something stupid i've said or done before, and I screw it up.

I don't really fit in with the Gays,
I don't really fit in with the straight guys,
I don't really fit in with the girls,
I don't fit in with my family, most of the time

Where do I belong, the over-thinker. The one who is trying.

I've been told i'm different, that's a compliment, in a world of so much similarities, I like standing out the ways I do, its just frustrating.

I get so down sometimes, I literally feel like i'm suddenly in a small room and its filling with water.
It's getting higher, no door. All I can do is watching it fill in around me, burning me, filling past my mouth, screaming inside. Past my nose, stinging my nose, past my eyes, blurring them , I wait for it to consume me.

I feel hollow sometimes, I'll be standing at work, waiting for a text from a particular someone, waiting to matter again.

I feel like an empty shell, staring forward, stepping out of my body and looking around at my life for right now. Job that's not quite right, not quite challenging enough, when people talk to me I feel their voice echoing inside like the Tinman, hoping they don't hear.

I've lost so many of my friends, not being available enough, but when I am free, nothing goes on.
Timing seems to be working against me lately.

I work all day, come home. want to go out and nothing is happening, so I get ready for nothing, text around... nada..

but the day I've worked all day and I come \home and crash, I have texts inviting me to parties I can't go to because I work early, or I don't have a ride, or Gas.

I have to hope this is temporary.

Had a long talk with J.P.

I don't know why I ever complain about him, he is amazing. I just wish he had more time for me.
A simple text would put my mind at rest, I need to learn to trust people again. I want to move closer to him.. but i'm terrified.. what if I move and he still doesn't have time for me... What would I do then?

If I start school here then i'm still far away, away from his touch.

Haven't seen him in a month, the distance helps me to think of just ending things..but I tried that.. But I dreamt about him, I dreamt I was running, I would see his face everywhere, Every song was him. Every glance from a stranger, or the sunset. He was the stars, missing him is so hard. Missing every part of him...

My mind starts a frenzied storm when I think to much about him, wondering what he's up to. Wondering why i'm not important enough to make a trip down for lunch with, or call just because he wanted to hear my voice.

My mind is this locked vault, It makes me dizzy all the things I think about,
Blogging helps so much, helping me pour out a little of me, its so risky.. Letting people into your head should never be easy, typing this, letting my fingers tip tap at the keys, spelling out my thoughts isn't easy..

I know things will get better,
Things are okay, and sure I wonder about JP, but for now..I'm his. I just wish he would let me know how much he cares, i've tried to talk to him, we see affection on different levels.

I just want to be loved, to be missed, wanted, cared for , and treated right..

Phew.. I am tired..

Thank you for reading, it means alot.
