Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dream Escape 2

My head is vibrating, my brain is like a humming bird shaking in my head. Impossible. My eye's stare straight ahead at the road, 

I'm taking my brother to school and I drop him off no problem, there is a ton of construction and signs everywhere. 

I need to get home.

There is two ways, the construction or a tunnel leading the long way into town, I don't remember it.

I get home, i'm in a hurry.. my sister is there she looks frazziled and rushed. She needs to get to school, she's late.
"The chain chaaaaain" I hear something about chains being sung from far away, I look outside and a group of men connected by barbed wire walk in unison down the street in front of my house, they are looking for something. 

The barbed wire and chains that hold them together stretch loosely so they can move freely, even get several yard in front of eachother without a problem.

Something hits the door and there is screaming, me and my sister get into the car parked in the garage and open it. 

"We will be safe at my school, they can't go there" My sister screams, still in her pajamas. She's sobbing and talking so fast she's not making sense.   So we drive.

The roads are impossible , the radio cuts in and out  "Hearing the cling clang of the chaaaain" and I look in the rear view mirror, they are moving at impossible speeds, weaving in and out of cars, slicing through bushes.

We take a turn and we head towards the tunnel its narrow and there is a bus crashed in the wall at the end, its covered in slices and has been sawed off. 

"I have to tell you something I was talking about with Lindsay (our cousin)" She wipes her nose with a tissue and she sobs into it...

She started shouting and not making sense, I tried to calm her down and I parked behind the bus. I got out quickly and judged the space left between the bus and the road, no luck. I walked between the bus and tried to open the door, to see if I could drive it closer to the wall, if it still worked.

My sister got out and ran through the space of the bus and to the other side of the tunnel, a song came on from the bus, 

"The cling and the clang of the chain, better watch it , Better look... the chain chaaaaaaiiiin" Always holding out the last word, giving me goosebumps. Crashing came from the opening of the tunnel, they were coming, and they had guns. A bullet hit into the window of my car, I looked around and my sister had ran to the full other side of the tunnel. I quickly followed my sister, not wanting to shout to draw the attention.

  My eyes widened when I saw the destruction. Slashes and piled up cars blocked the road, I grabbed my sister who was screaming, trying to calm her down. What did she know, what happend...

The Chain group fire another shot and it barely misses, they are slicing up things trying to get to us. Another family is running out of the bus, I hadn't even seen them... The Chains surround them and as bad as it sounds, we use the distraction to get back to my car. 

I've never backed up that fast before, We drive back through the construction, we get out and run to my brothers school.

Its different.

Its broken and damaged, the door is rusted and falling off. My sister runs off and before I can stop her she is running up the stairs, looking for a safe place. 

There is a group of kids, they all dressed in clothes far too old for 2011. A girl smiled evilly at me, her sneer made me take a turn and run down the hallway, the 5 of them chased after me laughing. 

"Your not safe" one said, she was wearing a short blue dress and her hair in an 80's up do. 
They all cackled. 

"They are coming for you, Mr." 

"Ya hear that?" 

"Time to go, I hear the cling clang of the chaaaaaaaain"

"Razor sharp and strong, chain chain chaaaain"

 They sung at once, the harmony of it chilled every part of me.. 
I ran down the hallway into the classroom, they didn't follow all I could hear was the sickly sound of cutting metal , it screamed and moaned, or maybe it was people..screaming..

I got under a desk and I shut my eyes, this couldn't be happening... 

The sound of chains got closer, then silence

I was afraid to look. 

I felt a strong tap on my back, *tap tap* *tap tap* "Nick, come on its time to go get your sister she's at the school" 

I sat up startled,

"Mom?" I looked around and I was on the couch, I had just fallen asleep for a second... She was just hear, I heard her, I felt her tapping on my back.

I pick up my phone and call her, sure that she is just hiding to scare me, but she answers and she's not even home...

I've been having weird dreams lately, the weird ones are usually day dreams,

It might not be scary to the reader but it was pretty scary for me..


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