Friday, May 13, 2011

Everybody Leaves

Okay, I was planning just talking about my favorite movie Suckerpunch.. but I would just like to whine for a bit if I could about my stupid living situation.

It can basically be broken down into two words, "Everybody Leaves"

For starters me and Britters moved out together and it was hilarious and fun, midnight Mcdonalds runs, 2 o Clock Walmart runs where we would have races in the handicapped chairs...A couple months in she decided that it was better for her to move home, rent free. That was the first let-down, I hoped that we could have gone on living like we had been, making my family where ever I could.

We had another roomate Dal, who was a decent roomate. Britters replaced herself with a random guy she found on Craigslist. Alex. He always stayed in his room, drank bottles and bottles of whiskey and was never willing to hang out or watch movies like I wanted all the roomies to be able to do. I was miserable.
Dal was constantly down and making me feel even worse about myself, one day I came home and Alex's stuff was gone. He texted me that he got a job and Salt Lake and needed to leave, ASAP.
I then went to Dal's room and his walls and room were bare, he also left me a text and just LEFT.

Dal took most of his stuff but I didn't care about the pots or pans or silverware, auto-can opener or water filter.. I just wanted to be able to wake up, be comfortable with the people in my house, go to dinners, make dinners, go to movies, hang out...

So I posted on Craigslist, Dal's friend Kayli got back to me about the room and moved in right away. I found a guy named Kenneth to fill the other room, I slowly felt like everything was okay again... Until a week later, after I helped moved things from Kenneth's old place he announced that he was moving out. So I posted on Craigslist again and got some pretty sketchy people....

Well the guy I had been seeings Ex needed a place.. and even though he was this nerdy weird guy I thought Id give him a chance.

He is a big gamer and he can get on my nerves at time...I just hope he doesn't screw me over.. He's already pushing my buttons but I guess I have to deal with it.. Beggers can't be choosers... but I say WHY THE HELL NOT. This isn't some college dorm, I can't move back home whenever I feel like. I would rot and die there.. I have to stay where I'm at.. even if that means I am broke most of the time.. I have to live life, I can't take the easy way out because that is just not an available option.

I started hanging out with Kayli and her boyfriend they cheered me up..But I just found out shes moving back to Salt Lake.. Another roomate who I thought would be there for me.. Gone..

Its just me and Kyle.. the gamer that I have nothing in common with, who brings strange men home and asked me to leave my own house. A guy who leaves on the air all day with windows open, or lights on when no ones home.. where is the person like me.. that will respect that this is my home... My safe place.. I guess it hasnt been that for a while..

   I have really tried to be more postive, I'm dating a very amazing guy right now. We are offcial but I dont want anyone else.. I know that sounds stupid, i'll try not to jinx it by going into much detail but hes wonderful. I can say that I have some really great friends in my life right now that I KNOW aren't going anywhere.. its just hard trying to have a house and have so many people in and out of it.. Ah well, another month another adventure. I dont mean to sound Bi-polar about all of this but I guess typing it out has made me less angry.

I've decided i'm going to dedicate another blog post to SUCKERPUNCH, So look for it right after this one :)


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